In the beginning

In the beginning

Please and Thank You

Thank you for becoming a phat2phit4ever
follower! As excited as I am about the journey I am on, I am even more excited about those around me chosing to do the same! It is for this reason that I ask that you PLEASE encourage me to stay on task and THANK YOU for being honest
and loyal to yourself about your own struggles!

Phat2phit4ever is about a lifestyle change for
me and about setting an example to others to do the same. I am going to win this war, but not without losing a few battles along the way. My solution is to stay focused and win more battles than I lose!

So, get on your high-horse and let others know
that royalty has arrived!

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Phreedom March

March 1, 2010 I decided it was time to phree myself of the baggage I have been collecting for many years! What do I consider baggage? Anger, regret, illness, boredom, anxiety, FOOD (lots of it), doubt, family, addiction,drama, school, work, marital issues....anything in your daily life that wages war on your spiritual, emotional, mental or physical self!

This blogspot is the day to day playback of my march to phreedom. Phreedom from all of those things listed above. Phreedom from my own image of perfection. Phreedom from the world's idea of perfection. Phreedom to be the healthiest and happiest ME I can.

Join me and let's make this OUR Phreedom March!

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